Join Me at Seminary Co-Op

I’m excited to share an event happening in Hyde Park later this fall. I’ll be at The Seminary Co-Op book store on Tuesday, November 28th to discuss Christy Prahl’s debut book of poetry, We Are Reckless, out now from Cornerstone Press. Come join us at 6pm for poems and conversation! Link to event here.

Interview with Matthew Salesses

The old adage “write what you know” often lends itself to books about writers and artists, or drinking and family, or a combination of all four. For Matthew Salesses, however, writing what he knew allowed him to create gripping contemporary story about basketball and soap operas. I spoke with Matthew about The Sense of Wonder recently for The Rumpus, and you can read our discussion here.

A Thousand Butterflies Translated into Arabic

My story “A Thousand Butterflies,” which was originally published in a print edition of Passages North and then reprinted in Flash Fiction Online, has been translated into Arabic for an international anthology of flash fiction.

A bit about the anthology from the publisher’s website:

“The Man Who Loves Hugs” is an amazing collection of stories, which includes a group of contemporary international writers. A remarkable cosmic anthology, which contained various human subjects, written with shorthand and ingenuity, through fictional flashes, highly artistic and influential. Stories, translated for the first time, by creators from many countries such as America, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Brazil and India. Stories that will not take long to complete, but for the beauty of their translation, and for their striking vibrancy; Shape and theme, it will accompany you forever.

This is such an exciting opportunity, and I’m grateful to the translator, Abdallah Altaiyeb, for including me.